Poster Ideas for a Class President

For students who have a desire to enter politics or participate in government, running for class president can be an important first step. While the results of a class presidential election are not as serious and far reaching as those for the election of a president of the United States, in many schools, class presidents do have the ability to effect change. When running for class president, it is vital that you create persuasive posters to convince the voters in your school that you are the right person for the job.
1 Issue Question
Get voters' attention by featuring issues prominently on your poster. When voters pick a class president, they will likely be thinking more about issues than the candidates. By creating an Issue Question poster, you can point out to your peers that you want the same things they do. In bold print, cover each poster with a question. For example, on one poster you could write “Do you want pizza available for lunch every day?” Below your question, in smaller print, tell the voters that if the answer to the posed question is yes, they should select you on class election day. Create a series of posters featuring different questions, and scatter them around the school so that students see the posters and figure out that you are the correct candidate for them.
2 Pop Art Poster
Feature a bold pop art aesthetic on your posters to attract the attention of voters. To create a pop art poster, select a digital image of yourself. Using Microsoft Publisher, or a similar program, recolor the image four times to create four copies of the same image in different hues. You could, for example, make one image yellow, one green, one blue and one red. Print out your images, and glue them onto your poster in a 2-inch-by-2-inch square. Place your name and slogan on the poster to accompany your images.
3 Patriotic Poster
While winning the election will earn you a seat as the class president, not the president of the United States, many people associate voting with patriotism. You can capitalize off of this free association by creating a patriotic poster. Feature red, white and blue prominently on your poster, creating bold, bright text using cutout or painted letters. Scatter stars around the poster as well, continuing your patriotic theme. To finish out the theme, attach small handheld flags to the sides of your poster. This attention-getting poster will surely attract the eye of passersby and might convince them that you are the candidate for them.
4 Photo Essay Poster
Don’t just tell the voters what you are going to do; show them through the creation of photo essay posters. With the aid of a friend and a digital camera, go around the school and act out things that you will do if elected. You could, for example, ask your friend to take a picture of you picking up trash, as you intend to work toward beautifying the school if you are elected. Feature these photos on a poster, writing below each what you will do if your peers select you as the next class president. Feature your name prominently on the top of your poster so that your classmates know who to vote for come election day.