How to Learn Video Editing for Free in NYC

New York City and Los Angeles are home to many of the most acclaimed film schools in United States. Videography, which is inclusive of video editing and video production, is among the different courses offered in film schools around NYC. Schools that offer video editing courses are usually limited to certification programs. You can attend college to study or you can find video editing classes for free offered around NYC.
1 Outline the specifics on video editing
Outline the specifics on video editing you want to learn. Inquire about the schools that offer free trials within NYC. Search for schools with the latest upgrades in software and technical equipment used in video editing. Inquire about free classes offered by the school. Ask already enrolled students about free classes in video editing offered on-campus or around campus in NYC.
2 Search online for free tutorials
Search online for free tutorials. Enroll for free tutorials in video editing at the New York Film Academy. Use the free tutorials to guide you in your video editing studies. Take notes whenever you attend the free tutorials to use to learn more about video editing. Try out what you have gained from the free tutorials practically with your video editing software to test your newly acquired skills.
3 Find self-study
Find self-study programs that offer the latest video editing software. Use the instructions relayed in the program to handle the video editing software. Read about the latest Apple certified video editing software like Apple Final Cut Pro. Download this information from websites of schools like New York University to help you understand video editing.
4 Visit blogs
Visit blogs of film schools like New York Video School (NYVS), which has online courses, to learn about the latest video editing software. Find video editing techniques using the same blogs posted by students. Attend NYVS's free video editing classes that are free for the first 7 days. Ensure you take notes as you attend the free video editing sessions to capture an overview of the course.
5 Attend video editing workshops
Attend video editing workshops like the Manhattan Edit Workshop in NYC. View amateur and professional videos alike to understand more about video editing. Inquire about video editing and the latest software in the field. Use the information you have acquired to help you learn how to operate video editing software. Improve your theory on the basics of video editing by reading books on film technology available in libraries around NYC. Read virtual books on videography available online.