Ideas for Running for High School Homecoming Princess

High schools often run a Homecoming Princess competition, to coincide with the Homecoming dance. It’s sometimes referred to as Homecoming Court and works in one of two ways. In some schools, the Homecoming Queen is picked from the girls named as a princess, while other schools do a princess court for younger students and name an older girl Homecoming Queen. Ideas for running for a High School Homecoming Princess may help you make the cut.
1 Online Campaign
Run an online campaign, using social networking sites like Myspace and Facebook. Start a fan page that includes pictures of you in formal wear, studying, helping others and generally showing your sweet side. Spread the word about your site, starting with your friends. Ask your friends to send the link to others and get the word out that you’re running for Homecoming Princess. It’s especially important to reach a large number of people if you attend a bigger schools, where you might not know everyone.
2 Free Gifts
Treat other students to small gifts that remind them of not only your name, but what you want, namely a place as Homecoming Princess. The gifts don’t have to be expensive to buy, as long as they get your sentiment across. Think about using buttons with your name printed on them, or “Vote for” and your name on the front. T-shirts and hats of the same type might be useful. Check with your school first, as some schools forbid the use of such items. You can also treat students to handmade cookies, muffins, cupcakes or brownies, which will help them remember you.
3 Fliers and Posters
One of the simplest ways to spread the news about your Homecoming Princess campaign is to hang posters around the school. In addition, pass out fliers to students throughout the day. On each one, you need to include your name, the role you’re campaigning for, and the day or time when students vote. If you can create a catchy slogan using your name, make sure you include that as well.
4 Go Outside Your Comfort Zone
If you want to make it as a Homecoming Princess, then you can’t depend solely on your friends. While your friends will likely vote for you, their votes alone aren’t enough. Begin speaking to other social groups, teams and clubs that you might not otherwise talk to. Make new friends and move outside your comfort group, looking for new people willing to vote for you.