How to Write a Sponsorship Letter for National American Miss
29 SEP 2017

Entering the National American Miss pageant in your state requires contestants to raise a sponsorship fee, which in 2011 was $440 per entrant. The fee may be a combination of donations from family and friends or area businesses. Write a personalized and heartfelt letter that tells each business owner some information about you as well as the corporate benefits of sponsoring you in the state pageant. Don't forget to follow up the sponsorship letter with a thank-you letter for those who donated to your cause.
1 Draw a text
Draw a text box in a blank word-processing document and insert a digital picture of yourself in either a pageant pose or during a pageant. Ensure that your face is visible to the potential sponsor in the photo. Enlarge or make the image smaller to approximately a wallet-size photo.
2 Click the line border
Double-click the line border around the image and click "No Line" to get rid of the border or change the border to something more decorative. Move the text box near the upper right-hand corner of the document.
3 Begin the letter
Begin the letter with either a personalized greeting such as "Dear Mr. Orzo of Orzo's Bistro" or use a more general greeting for mass-producing the letter. For example, use "Dear Potential Sponsor."
4 Write a paragraph
Write a paragraph describing your previous successes in pageants as well as a brief mention of your interests, hobbies and what the pageant means to you. Describe the National American Miss pageant and how it benefits youth by enhancing confidence, teaching poise and assisting with letter-writing, interviewing and time-management skills.
5 Explain in the next paragraph
Explain in the next paragraph the amount of funding necessary to enter the pageant and the options available to the sponsor. When competing at the national level, sponsors can purchase advertising space in the distributed program, but in state-wide pageants they may not be able to. Stress that the sponsorship is a tax-sdeductible donation.
6 Encourage sponsorship in the last short paragraph
Encourage sponsorship in the last short paragraph by stating how much this pageant means to you as a person and how it will help you achieve your goals as a student, adult and productive member of society.
7 Close the letter by stating something
Close the letter by stating something like "Thank you for your sponsorship consideration. Sincerely, Your Name." Include information from the National American Miss Pageant regarding payment types, address and any contact information provided by the pageant. The pageant often gives these papers to you for photocopying and to distribute to potential donors.
8 Reread the letter and correct any grammatical
Reread the letter and correct any grammatical, spelling or structural errors. Ask a friend, relative or teacher to review the letter and offer suggestions for improvement. Print the letter and hand-deliver or send it to area businesses as well as family members who may wish to sponsor you.