How to Write a Sample Letter to a Senator
29 SEP 2017

One of the best way to get the attention of your senator, be it of the state or federal variety, is to write a professional letter. All government officials take this kind of correspondence seriously as it represents a voter's interests. If congressmen do not listen to and respond appropriately to voters' concerns, they are less likely to receive the electoral support needed for re-election. There are three keys to writing a letter to a senator. Keep it focused. Keep it professional. Give your Senator an action item.
1 Write your letter
Write your letter using proper business letter format. Most word processing programs will have letter templates that are quick and easy to use. In general the format is as follows:
2 The upper left-hand corner list
Starting in the upper left-hand corner list your name and contact information. Under this put the date followed by the senator's address. Then write a brief salutation and begin the text of your letter. Finally, write a closing and sign your name at the bottom.
3 Introduce yourself and your credentials
Introduce yourself and your credentials, if these are appropriate to the issue. State precisely for what reason you are writing to your senator. Keep it factual not emotional. Provide as much specific information as possible detailing how your issue effects both yourself and others. If a particular bill is involved be sure to list it by name and number.
4 Present your senator with an action item
Present your senator with an action item. Having something concrete that you are looking for will help focus his attention and better the chances of your letter getting the appropriate reply. Ask your senator for a specific response. Thank him for taking the time to read your letter and ask that he either consider voting a certain way or ask that his office get back to you with a particular piece of information.