How to Address a Letter to a Former President
29 SEP 2017

Any letter is better received when it is addressed properly. Letters to former presidents are no exception. Yours can hit the target when properly addressed.
1 You
Determine which former president you wish to contact.
2 Find the appropriate address
Find the appropriate address. Generally, these are available through each former president's website or the site of their presidential library.
3 Address the envelope using standard conventions
Address the envelope using standard conventions. “Honorable” is a title often used for retired high-ranking officials, so the envelope could be addressed to "The Honorable" and his first and last names. For example, "The Honorable Jimmy Carter" or "The Honorable George H. W. Bush."
4 Begin the letter
Begin the letter. Although style guides vary, when addressing letters to former presidents, it is appropriate to use “Mr.” and his last name. Therefore, the greeting to the letter would be “Dear Mr.” and his last name. For example, "Dear Mr. Clinton" or "Dear Mr. Bush."
5 Continue writing the letter
Continue writing the letter in a respectful and succinct manner. When you are done, sign the letter, seal it in the envelope and mail it.