How to Send Girl Scout Cookies to Troops
4 OCT 2017

As early as 1917, the Girl Scout organization began selling cookies. Over the years, the cookies have become world-renowned and have even been incorporated into dessert recipes at fine dining restaurants. Imagine yourself as a deployed soldier and being thousands of miles away from your family, friends and those delicious Girl Scout cookies. Sending Girl Scout cookies to U.S. military troops is one way to thank soldiers for their service. Getting the cookies to the soldiers isn't as hard as you may think. A few simple steps and the troops will be enjoying those Thin Mint, Peanut Butter Sandwich and Shortbread cookies.
1 Donate boxes through the Girl Scouts organization
Donate boxes through the Girl Scouts organization. When you purchase cookies from a Girl Scout troop that is participating in the "Gift of Caring" program, you are given the option on the order form to purchase boxes to donate to the U.S. military troops serving overseas. Mark on the form how many boxes you would like to purchase for the troops and the organization will coordinate the shipping.
2 Send boxes
Send boxes through volunteer organizations such as Hugs For Soldiers ( or Any Soldier ( Simply mail cookie boxes to the groups and they will send them to deployed soldiers who do not receive many care packages from home.
3 Ask for the address of a soldier
Ask for the address of a soldier through your local Armed Forces recruiting office or church if you do not personally know any troops. Package the cookies along with a note of encouragement and gratitude in a cardboard box. Address the package with the soldier's FPO/APO address. Fill out the customs forms and indicate that the contents are a gift, and mail through your local post office.