Easy Church Bazaar Items to Make
29 SEP 2017

Churches of all denominations hold bazaars throughout the year as fundraising and community-building events. Bazaars are often organized prior to holidays such as Christmas, giving people a reason to get together and get some shopping done. If you plan to run a booth at an upcoming church bazaar, you can make items by hand that appeal to buyers.
1 Baked Goods
Church bazaars routinely have sellers offering baked goods. This attracts shoppers with a sweet tooth and those expecting large crowds over the holidays. Include homemade cakes, pies, squares, cookies, tarts and bread in your bazaar. If you want to add a religious theme use cross or angel shaped cookies cutters. If you're not an accomplished baker, an easy solution is buying and baking oven-ready cookies sliced from a roll of dough.
2 Jewelry
If you are skilled at small crafts, making homemade jewelry is an easy way to prepare items to sell at a church bazaar. The jewelry can be made from yarn, string, beads or even wood. Many people appreciate homemade jewelry as a unique gift, especially if the item was made by someone in their community. You can make necklaces, bracelets, earrings and brooches. If working with wood is easy for you, use a scroll saw to cut small cross necklaces for parishioners to wear as pendants. If a certain Bible verse is significant to you and the members of your church, write it carefully on a short piece of ribbon and wind it around a pin covered with beads.
3 Seasonal Crafts
If you enjoy working with your hands, build a variety of seasonal crafts is ideal for church bazaars. If the bazaar is held prior to Christmas, wooden crafts such as children's toys, home decorations and candle holders can sell well. Before Easter, try making Easter-themed stuffed animals and baskets to collect Easter eggs.
4 Other
One of the reasons people attend church bazaars is that they never know what they'll find. Include homemade creams and bath oils, hand-painted art, toys for children, dog treats and knitted, sewn and cross-stitched crafts. To keep the theme religious, cross-stitch a Bible verse on a piece of material and frame it. This type of message may be attractive to people in your congregation.