How to Find My PCS Orders on AKO
25 JUN 2018

The Army Knowledge Online (AKO) holds all the information you should need to navigate your orders and information while you serve. It is a pivotal tool for armed forces personnel. But this massive intranet can be difficult to maneuver, particularly with the added stress of moving either yourself or your entire family to a new assignment. Permanent change of station (PCS) orders are at your fingertips, once you know where to look in the maze of the AKO.
1 What to Know About PCS Orders
The permanent change of station that gives the official notice of relocation for the active duty military service person is an important piece of documentation. It allows the serviceperson as well as any family members that live with the armed forces member to start the process of moving.
Once you get the PCS orders, set up a meeting with the transportation office. At the new location, get in touch with the family center and learn about the community to make the transition easier for all members of the family. Give notice to the housing office about the projected move date in the PCS if you are living on base or in government quarters. The finance office has a wealth of information on how to save money when you move, so make an appointment to get a good financial start. There are checklists online that help make the move efficient and cost-effective.
2 How to Use the AKO
The Army Knowledge Online provides information easily. It is mandatory once you have enlisted in the army. It follows Department of Defense security policies and is arguably the world’s largest corporate intranet with more than 2 million registered users annually. The AKO site requires a rather strong combination of letters, numbers and symbols for a viable password. It can also require the combination of a personal identification number, or PIN, paired with a Common Access Card. Be prepared to answer 3 out of 15 randomly selected personal questions that you answered in advance to further secure the authorization process.
3 How to Navigate the AKO
Once you log into your AKO account, look to the right of the page for the Army Links button. The Assignment Satisfaction Key should pop up. Click on that and then press the On Orders button. This is where the details of your assignment location should be. If you have not received published orders, you will get them through your S1 by the Installation Levy Section.