Gifts to Put Into a Church Welcome Package
29 SEP 2017

Your church’s welcome package is one of the first impressions newcomers will have of your ministry. For this reason, it is important to invest time and thought into how you present visitors with this information. Be intentional in what you include and how you include it. Consider the type of format you would like to use for your welcome package. Folders, coffee mugs and gift baskets some common ideas.
1 Welcome Letter
Welcome your guests with a warm welcome letter from your pastor or minister. Let visitors know that you are glad they are visiting.
2 Church Information
Provide some general information about your church that will help visitors decide if your ministry is a good fit for them. You may want to include your church’s history, purpose and statement of faith.
3 Resources
Inform guests about services and resources your church offers by providing a list of ministries available to them. Note things like nursery information, service times, social functions, opportunities to receive prayer, and specialized ministries (help for addictions, marriage counseling, etc.).
4 CD
Many churches give visitors a CD of a favorite sermon from the church’s main pastor or minister. This is especially helpful when visitors come on a Sunday when a guest speaker is present. Alternatively, you may include instructions for finding your church's podcast or online sermons. Also, consider adding a few tracks of your church's music to the CD.
5 Tract
An important piece of literature you may add to your welcome package is an easy-to-read, straightforward presentation of the gospel. Be sure to include contact information in case of further questions.
6 Gift Item
Give your visitors something to keep that will remind them of their time with you. Many churches include a pen with the church’s information. Some other ideas are books, refrigerator magnets, bookmarks, and journals.
7 Information about How to Become Involved
Be sure to leave your visitors with information about how to take the next step in becoming involved in the church. Let them know about small groups, Sunday school, classes, or social activities that may be of interest to them.