How to Organize a Revival
29 SEP 2017

How to Organize a Revival. While the term "revival" can be used when something is restored, it's most commonly used to refer to a specific period of spiritual reawakening in a church. The goal of a revival should be to encourage current members to restore a vibrant relationship with God while adding new Christians to the church.
1 Chose a date for the revival
Chose a date for the revival. If your church has a calendar of events, you need to find which dates are available. The dates you chose may be determined by the availability of the speaker or evangelist you plan to hire. For an area-wide revival, you should check the calendars of neighboring churches.
2 Book a guest speaker
Book a guest speaker. Some churches like to have several guest speakers preach during the revival. Others prefer to have one. Most evangelists expect you to make arrangements for lodging and meals. The type of compensation varies from a set amount to a love offering from the congregation and may be in addition to travel expenses.
3 Arrange for special needs
Arrange for special needs to be met. Some areas where a large percentage of the population speaks another language provide translators. You may need to set up sound equipment and schedule the choir, song leader or other music personnel. The songs should be familiar gospel songs that are upbeat and have strong spiritual messages. You should organize babysitting and consider meals for people who are attending the revival.
4 Promote the revival
Promote the revival. Once you know the date for the revival, put it on the church calendar. Put the information in the bulletin and have it announced at your church and other churches involved. The congregation should be given handouts to give to friends, family and neighbors.
5 Write out a schedule of events
Write out a schedule of events. The sessions and topics should be divided by the hours they start. If you're having an all-day revival, organize breaks and meals accordingly. For main services, schedule an introduction for the speaker, prayers, songs and speaking time.