How to Get GED Records in Washington State

The Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges administers General Education Development tests in Washington. GED testing consists of five exams: writing, reading, social studies, science and mathematics. Students who did not complete their high school education requirements in school sometimes obtain a GED, which is considered the equivalent of a high school diploma. Those who earned a GED can request a copy from the board.
Using a web browser, navigate to the Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges General Education Development website. Click on “Records Request” on the left-hand side of the page.
Download and print a “Request for GED Transcript/Score Report” form.
Fill out the records request form. You must include your name at the time you took the GED test, your social security number, date of birth, address and phone number. You must also list the year that you earned your GED and the place where you took the test. If you would like your GED record to be sent to a third party, such as an employer or a college, list the third party's name and address on the request form. If you would like the record sent to yourself, you must include your current address or indicate an alternative address to which the record should be delivered.
Sign and date the form. If you do not sign the records request form, your request will not be completed by the board or processing time may be significantly delayed. By signing the form, you give your permission for the board to release your GED records to you or to the third party that you listed on the form.
Mail your completed records request to the address listed on the form. If you prefer, you may fax the request. The fax number is also listed on the request form. You do not need to include any payment with your request; the board provides GED records free of charge.
Your GED record will be delivered by mail to the address and recipient that you listed on the form.
- Do not request your GED record by telephone or e-mail. Do not attempt to obtain someone else's GED records without that person's permission.
- If a third party just wants to verify that you earned your GED and does not require a copy of your GED records, that party should fax their request to the board along with an information release signed by you that indicates that you give your permission for the verification