How to Get a Copy of a Georgia GED Transcript

If you have taken the Georgia General Education Development test, or GED, you can request a copy of your GED Transcript. If you did not pass the test, your fee is applied toward the cost of searching for the transcript; you will not be offered a refund. The transcript is helpful when applying for college or a job. You can also request a GED diploma using the same form.
Download the form from the Georgia Department of Technical and Adult Education. A formal request ensures that you provide the correct information. Provide your legal name at the time of the test; your name now; address; Social Security number; birth date; phone number; location of GED test; year you took the test and your email.
Pay for the search to find your transcript. You can pay using cash, a cashier's check or a money order. You must pay separately for each requested item.
Sign and date the form. Mail it to:
Office of Adult Education GED® Testing Program (GaGTP) 1800 Century Place, Suite 300B Atlanta, Georgia 30345
If you need to speak to staff, call (800) 94 MY GED or (404) 679-1645.
- Do not fax a request.
- It takes four weeks to process a request.