How to Find Out My Local Selective Service Board Number
4 OCT 2017

The director of Selective Service appoints a group of five citizen volunteers, known as the Local Board, to determine which registrants in their community receive military service exemption, deferment or postponement during a draft. If you registered with the Selective Service and want to know your Local Board’s number, you can obtain it if you were born before 1960. The Selective Service System states on its website that this information is not available for men born during 1960 or later because of the draft ending before these individuals reached draft age.
Visit the Selective Service website at (see link in References below). Click Record Request Form on the homepage to open the PDF file.
Print the Selective Service Records Request form. Fill out the form with as much information as possible, including your full first and last name, date of birth and home address at time of registration. Write “Selective Service Local Board Number” on the line provided for "Information Requested." Sign the bottom of the form on the line provided.
Send the letter to the following address:
National Archives & Records Administration National Archives - St. Louis P.O. Box 38757 St. Louis, MO 63138-0757