Religious Scavenger Hunt Ideas
29 SEP 2017

Children often love games, and a scavenger hunt works well as a Sunday school activity. This also is an engaging way to teach children more about their faith. Children likely will enjoy a little friendly competition while searching for specific items. Add to the fun--give the winner a prize.
1 Scripture Hunt
Buy mints or candy with Bible scriptures on the wrappers. Organize a scavenger hunt to see which child can find the most mints. Place the mints all over the church property--or indoors if the weather is inclement. Offer a prize for the winning hunter.
If you can't find candy with Bible scriptures, make your own. Cut out rectangles of paper and use a hole punch on one end. Thread a small piece of ribbon or string through each hole. Tie each paper to a piece of candy. Write a Bible verse on each paper. This idea also works well if you prefer to use specific verses to complement a lesson plan.
2 Catholic Sacraments
The Catholic faith has seven sacraments: baptism, the Holy Eucharist, confirmation, reconciliation, marriage, holy orders and anointing of the sick. Organize a scavenger hunt for symbolic items that will help children learn about these sacraments. For example, use a small container of water to symbolize baptism, an inexpensive gold ring to symbolize marriage and a small container filled with oil to represent anointing of the sick.
3 Easter Jelly Beans
Hold a religious scavenger hunt during Easter or the weeks leading up to the holiday. Hide eggs filled with jelly beans of different colors. Include different colors to represent elements of faith. For instance, use white to represent purity; red to symbolize Jesus' sacrifice, black to represent sin and blue to symbolize heaven. Hide the plastic eggs throughout the church. Have children hunt for as many as they can find within a time limit.