How to Write an End of the Year Thank-You Letter to a Teacher
27 JUL 2018

Like many people, teachers are eager to know that their hard work makes a difference in the lives of their students. Whether you are a student or a parent, writing a thank-you note to a teacher is easily accomplished and greatly appreciated. It only takes a few minutes to complete an end of the year letter to a teacher, but the encouragement can last a lifetime.
1 Pay Attention to Detail
Choose the stationery on which you will compose your thank-you letter. The paper can be simple, elegant, or even decorative paper from a craft or stationery store to add a personal touch. A teacher will undoubtedly appreciate this attention to detail. Get all the supplies you need for your end of the year letter to the teacher in advance to make sure you have plenty of time to deliver it.
2 Write the End of School Letter
Address your end of school letter using an appropriate greeting such as “Dear Mr. Smith” or “Dear Ms. Jones.” Then compose the body of the thank-you note to your teacher. Be specific about the ways in which your teacher has assisted and influenced you. (Or, if you are a parent, use the end of the year letter to the teacher to write about the ways in which they have assisted and influenced your student.) Sharing your personal experience lets the teacher know how they have truly helped you and allows them to know what strengths they can share with future students.
3 Refine the Details
Avoid general statements like, "You have been a nice teacher." According to Dr. Robyn Silverman, it is much more effective to share a specific anecdote such as, "Because you set aside extra time to help me, reading has become much easier, and I have improved in all of my classes!" (If you are a parent, an example from an end of school letter might be "Samantha has benefited so much from your reading instruction that she has now read every book on her shelf. We will have to take a trip to the library!")
4 Craft a Conclusion
Restate briefly your appreciation as the conclusion of your thank-you note to your teacher. An example might be: “Thank you again for all the time and effort you have dedicated to helping me (or "my child" if you're a parent). The skills you have taught will last a lifetime.” End with a closing line, also known as a valediction. Some choices include “Gratefully,” “Sincerely,” “Kind Regards,” “Warm Regards” or “Yours Truly.” After your valediction, sign your name to the end of school letter. (If you are a parent, perhaps your student would like to sign as well.)
- Handwrite your thank-you letter. Though it may seem more convenient to send an email, a handwritten letter is especially personal and can be displayed, cherished and easily revisited by your favorite teacher for years to come.
- Proofread your letter, but certainly do not be intimidated to write to a teacher. The recipient will be much more focused on the sentiment than the way it is expressed.