High School Campaign Slogan Ideas

Running for an office in your high school student government can be challenging. Make your campaign run smoothly by coming up with a slogan that people will remember and get your name noticed. Slogans can shock, inform, act as a mnemonic device, or make people laugh. The key to a good slogan is to decide on a focus for your campaign and design a slogan to match it.
1 Rhyming Slogans
A slogan that contains an internal rhyme can help people remember your name and give the impression of lightheartedness. Come up with a list of words that rhyme with your name and use them in your slogan. If your name is Billy, for example, try "Don't be silly. Vote for Billy" or "Vote for Billy. Really." You can also plug your name into a slogan that already rhymes, such as "Don't be shy. Give (insert name) a try" or "Two, four, six, eight. Vote for (insert name) and don't be late."
2 Funny or Clever Slogans
Use humor in your slogan to show people how much fun you would be in elected office. Try something ironic such as "Vote for Cindy. She has two hands" or "Elect a dynamic leader who will work hard on your behalf. Or vote for Pete."
You can also try a silly slogan such as "If you vote for me I'll buy you a car" or "Marys a good speler so vote four her." Just keep in mind that you want students to take you seriously enough to vote for you.
3 Inspiring Slogans
Use an inspiring slogan to come across as a professional who will gets things done. Try something sweeping and grand such "Your education. Your vote. Paul in (insert year)" or "Cheryl: Building success one year at a time." You can also try taking an inspiring slogan that already exists and using it, such as "Jack: Yes We Can" or "I Like Mike."
4 Issue-Based Slogans
Use an issue-based slogan if there is something specific you want to push for at your school. If, for example, you want to fight for more school dances, make a slogan such as "Come Dance With Matthew." If you plan to help the school raise more money, make a slogan such as "Raise Cecilia to raise funds."
Other examples include "Heather supports reducing your homework" and "Help Jon help the environment: More recycling now."