How to Get Donations for a Class Reunion
4 OCT 2017

Planning a class reunion requires funding, and soliciting donations is a practical way to receive those necessary funds. Alumni and the community are logical places to start when requesting donations.
1 Reach
Reach out to community businesses regarding donations for a class reunion. Offer an advertising trade for their donations, including printed marketing material or verbal mentions of the business. If a business owner attended the same school, then reach out to him and remind him how important the school was in his success and that the reunion needs his financial support.
2 Implement a suggested donation admission ticket
Implement a "suggested donation" admission ticket for the reunion. Depending on the type and formality of the reunion, it can be an accepted practice to have attendees pay for attendance; a suggested-donation method allows each person to pay what they can. Allow attendees to make their donations prior to the reunion to cover venue and supply costs that have to be paid early.
3 Sell souvenirs
Sell souvenirs prior to and during the class reunion. These can be bought or homemade, a long as the selling price more than covers the cost of making or buying the item. Souvenirs can include the date and location of the reunion, serving as a memento of the event.
4 Hold a silent auction or raffle
Hold a silent auction or raffle. Solicit donations from alumni and the school for items related to the class' senior year such as yearbooks and athletic jerseys or solicit community vendors for gift certificates. Use online technology to hold the silent auction prior to the reunion to help cover costs or hold the auction or raffle during the reunion and announce winners at the end of the party.