Activities for a School Assembly

School assemblies are a fun time to get all of the students in a grade level or school together in order to engage in large-group learning. Assemblies tend to be a little more laid back than in-class time and can be a welcomed break for educators and students alike. Choosing ideal assembly activities is the first step in ensuring that this time out is an educational and enjoyable experience for everyone involved.
1 Movie Day
Close to the holidays, after major exams or on bad weather days, consider hosting a movie day in the school auditorium. Choose family friendly movies with parent input and allow the children to bring a pillow or blanket and spread out on the auditorium floor to watch the movie. If feasible, offer popcorn and juice as a snack during part of the time that the children are watching the movie. Follow the movie with a brief discussion about what was most meaningful and entertaining in the film.
2 Seasonal Fun
Kids are known to get restless around Thanksgiving, winter holidays, Valentine's day and other important dates. Keeping them focused in the classroom can seem nearly impossible at these times. Give students an incentive to perform well in the classroom by offering a seasonal assembly for them at the end of the week before a holiday break. Sing seasonal songs together and play seasonal games such as "Pin the Nose on Rudolph," a Valentine's Day scavenger hunt or turkey day relay races. Larger assemblies can be broken into smaller groups within the auditorium so that teachers can help to facilitate the activities.
3 Performers
Performers are an ideal way to incorporate a multicultural focus into your school assemblies. Find singers from China, dancers from Ireland, storytellers from Ghana and other performers from around the world. Have them talk with the kids about what they do and demonstrate their art. They might involve the kids by showing them some dance moves or picking some volunteers to learn to play an instrument.
4 End of the Year
Ending the school year is exciting for many kids who are looking forward to the freedom of summer, but it can also be difficult to say goodbye to friends. Incorporate photos of the students from throughout the school year into a montage set to music. Play the montage on a large screen for the kids and then ask two from each grade level to share with the rest of their friends about their school year, including their favorite and least favorite parts of the year. You might also consider having the students talk about their plans for the summer.
5 School Spirit
Assemblies are ideal for mustering school spirit before a big game. Ask the kids to wear school colors and then gather to sing the school spirit song and create cheers to encourage the school's athletic team. Include a talent show with students sharing their gifts of music, dance and storytelling.