How to Open a CNA Training Class

Employment of nurse aides is expected to grow 19 percent between 2008 and 2018 according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Job seekers who want to become a part of this growing profession are required to receive training and hold a certification or license before they can work as a certified nurse aide (CNA).
1 Apply for funding
Apply for funding. Check with the department of labor in your state to learn if any funding is available to help you establish a CNA training class that prepares a person to enter the workforce in a high-demand job after receiving short-term training. Seek out grants and/or apply for private business funding from a commercial bank or credit union.
2 Or purchase a commercial facility
Lease or purchase a commercial facility in your area with the space needed to operate a training course for nurse aides. Know that you need classroom space as well as a room large enough to accommodate a few mock hospitals beds where CNA students can try out the skills their learning in the classroom. Look for a space with an office area as well .
3 Arrange clinicals
Arrange clinicals. Network with administrators from local hospitals and nursing homes in your community. Find a facility willing to allow you to perform clinicals at their location with their patients. Clinicals give your students the opportunity to practice their skills on real people, and completing these at an actual medical facility is a requirement for your CNA training class to be accredited.
4 Obtain equipment and supplies
Obtain equipment and supplies. Find out if any hospitals, nursing homes, nursing schools or other medical facilities have old equipment that they are willing to donate. For example, hospitals may have old or excess hospital beds that you can have for free. Any supplies you aren’t able to get donated should be purchased from a nursing educational training supplier.
5 Hire instructors
Hire instructors. Seek out individuals qualified to teach CNA courses as outlined by your state’s requirements. Generally this requires a current RN license, one to two years of nursing experience in a long-term care facility such as a nursing home and completion of a CNA instructor training course.
6 Learn the requirements for accreditation
Learn the requirements for accreditation from the licensing board in your state. Without it, students completing your program can’t apply for certification and work in your state. Most states an application, class curriculum, operating policies and procedures of school, proof of instructor qualifications and a copy of agreement with the clinical facility.
7 Advertise your CNA training class to the general public
\Advertise your CNA training class to the general public by using mass media communication methods such as radio, television and newspaper. Develop a website that promotes the course, and reach out to young adults seeking job training through social networking tools. Contact representatives from local employment centers and unemployment offices.