Crime Scene Clean Up Certification

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Crime scene cleaners provide a valuable service to those who have been affected by violent crime by returning property to the condition it was in before the incident. Crime scene cleaners can obtain several different types of certifications in the field.

1 Requirements

Legal requirements for crime scene cleanup businesses are set by individual states or municipalities. At a minimum, crime scene cleaners must follow laws regarding the handling and disposal of biohazardous waste.

2 Biohazard Training

All crime scene cleaners should be trained to safely handle biohazard materials, such as blood and human remains, according to OSHA (Occupational Health and Safety Administration) guidelines.

3 ABRA Certification

The ABRA (American Bio-Recovery Association) offers certification as a Bio Recovery Technician via accredited classes from private agencies.

4 RIA Certification

The Restoration Industry Association (RIA) offers courses leading to certification in a variety of specialties related to restoring property after a damaging incident.

5 Respiratory Protection Training

Because crime scene cleaners deal with both hazardous waste and toxic cleaning chemicals, a class in the proper use of respiratory training is highly recommended for crime scene cleaners, where not required by law.

Dayna is a freelance writer, artist and former high school teacher. She has been writing professionally for three years, and hold degrees in physical anthropology, art and special education. Her particular areas of interest include anthropology, health and nutrition, fitness and beauty and skin care.
