List of Red Hatters Clubs in Texas
4 OCT 2017

Red Hatters, or members of the Red Hat Society, are women, mostly over 50, who meet together to laugh and have fun with other women. Local chapters are led by a Board that includes a Queen and several "Ladies" who manage the various job functions of the group. The only rule of the Red Hat Society is that every member must wear red and purple to every meeting or function.
1 Big D Re-Gals
The Big D Re-Gals, located in Dallas, is an official chapter of the Red Hat Society for women in Dallas, Plano, Richardson and surrounding areas who meet monthly for various social functions and events. Each month one or two members serve as "Queen for the Day" and select the monthly activity, date and time of the meeting and organizes the event, providing door prizes if desired.
Big D Re-Gals [email protected]
2 Crown of Roses, a Sisterhood
The Crown of Roses, a Sisterhood, in McKinney, Texas is an official Chapter of the Red Hat Society that was founded in 2004. The group is composed of women, many of whom are old friends who desired to reconnect with each other, and who are mostly retired with an empty nest. The group's purpose is to relax, have fun and enjoy life. Group "Hatterings" (events and functions) may include trips to area attractions, pajama parties, makeovers, or attending the State Conversions (national Red Hat Society events).
Crown of Roses, a Sisterhood [email protected]
3 The Rolling Rubies
The Rolling Rubies is an official chapter of the Red Hat Society for women in the Houston metropolitan area. The Chapter, formerly called the Red Hat Cruisers because most of the early members owned PT Cruisers, is open to new members and invite other ladies who are interested in making new friends and reaching out to others. Like all Red Hat clubs, the women meet monthly to enjoy a variety of activities in the Houston area.
The Rolling Rubies [email protected]
4 La Sassy Sisters
La Sassy Sisters (formerly the The Tiara Totin' Tootsies) is an official Red Hat Society chapter that was formed in 2004 and meets monthly in Nevada, Texas. Events have included PJ parties, fashion shows, yard sales, birthday celebrations, closet swaps, dress up days, Red Hat bingo, and more. The goal of this chapter is to enjoy all of life's journey while having fun and building lifelong friendships.
Tiara Totin' Tootsies [email protected] 972-843-0227