A List of the Qualities of a Sorority Member
26 SEP 2017

A sorority is a selective college campus organization for women. The principles and ideals attributed to sororities usually are associated with social and character development. Admired and respected sororities include members who possess a wide variety of talents and positive characteristics. Sororities seek new sisters who show leadership potential, are committed to civic engagement, are academically strong and interested in making new friends.
1 Leadership
Being a strong leader is a critical quality for members of a sorority. Sororities offer a variety of leadership roles, so virtually every member will have the opportunity to chair a committee, lead a project or serve as an officer. It is also important for sorority members to serve in campus leadership roles such as homecoming chair, student body president or as an officer in an academic club. Sororities build a reputation of being a quality organization based upon the campus involvement of their members. Greek leaders are well-respected and are relied upon to serve as role models for others.
2 Civic Engagement
Giving back to others is a fundamental principle of sororities. The groups select a philanthropic focus to symbolize their commitment to community. Members are expected to help raise money and give their time to community service. This important work brings added meaning to the organization and instills a sense of lifelong service in their members. Sorority members have the opportunity to collaborate with other student leaders on joint projects that enrich the campus and community. An awareness of the needs of the community and an interest in helping others is a quality sought in a sorority member.
3 Scholarship
Sorority members are expected to make academic success a priority. It is not uncommon to find sorority sisters tutoring one another and establishing internal challenges to ensure academic achievement. Many chapters enforce a minimum GPA requirement to become a member or stay active in the organization. Meeting these standards creates members who are strong students and driven to be successful. Sorority members exercise effective time and task management through balancing academic course work and student involvement.
4 Social Skills
Sisterhood is a common term used to describe the lifelong bond among women in a sorority. The social side of a sorority attracts women who are outgoing and interested in meeting new people. Sorority members have strong communication skills, maintain lasting friendships and are committed to developing social connections throughout campus. These attributes help sorority members network with other students and recruit outstanding women to be a part of their organization.