List of Graduation Project Ideas

Completing a senior year project is often a high school graduation requirement.
... SZE FEI WONG/iStock/Getty Images

Many high schools require graduating seniors to complete a graduation project before a high school diploma is issued. Typically seniors may select a topic that interests them to focus their project on. Before choosing a topic idea for your graduation project, discuss your idea with a teacher or an adviser at your school to make sure that your project meets your high school's specific requirements.

1 Art

Use your artistic talent to complete your project.
... Vesna Cvorovic/iStock/Getty Images

Use your artistic talent to complete your senior project. Present your own dance show or play to a local senior center or hospital. Volunteer to paint a beautification mural in your home town. Create a website or public service announcement for a nonprofit agency. Organize a student talent night or an art show displaying student work. Offer to take photographs to document community or school events. Visit a local community center and give art lessons to the students there.

2 Business

Center your project on something in the business world.
... pressureUA/iStock/Getty Images

Get a head start on your career with a graduation project based in the business world. Contact a local business about completing an unpaid internship and documenting the experience for your senior project. Set up a small business of your own and document your process. Organize a fundraiser for a charity. Design your personal portfolio, including items such as your resume, income tax information, job or college applications and your budget. Write a grant for a nonprofit company. Volunteer with your local Chamber of Congress or the Better Business Bureau or contact local businesses to ask what services they need assistance with.

3 Community

Help your community by volunteering for you senior project.
... mangostock/iStock/Getty Images

Help your community by volunteering your time and services for your graduation project. Work at a local animal shelter, caring for the animals and helping visitors select the perfect pet. Coach a sports team for younger students or create a league of your own. Help plan and implement activities and outings for a senior living center or hospital. Initiate a community clean-up day. Research your town history and organize your findings into a book to donate to the library. Refurbish a local landmark or monument. Volunteer with a community service organization, such as Habitat for Humanity or Meals on Wheels. Establish a holiday food drive at your high school or in your community.

4 Education

Volunteer or tutor elementary school students.
... monkeybusinessimages/iStock/Getty Images

Give back to your local school system for your graduation project. Contact a local elementary school and become a classroom volunteer or student tutor. Organize a fund-raising fall festival or spring carnival for a school in your community. Work with elementary students to plan a garden or edible school yard at their school. Develop a presentation on healthy eating, physical fitness or caring for the environment and present it to younger students. Talk to local principals and ask what projects they need assistance with.

Based in Florida, Mandi Titus has been writing since 2002. Her articles have been published on sites such as Goodkin, Go Green Street and Living the Healthy Way. She holds a Bachelor of Science in psychology from Stetson University.
