Volunteer Project Ideas for Silver Award
4 OCT 2017

The Girl Scout Silver Award is the highest honor a Girl Scout Cadette can earn. Girl Scout Cadettes are 6th, 7th or 8th grade Girl Scouts and they can earn the Silver Award through a volunteer project in their community. Their volunteer project should be sustainable and designed to continue after they earn their award. Girl Scout Cadettes choose projects according to their interests and the needs they perceive in their community.
1 Environmental Project Ideas
Girl Scout Cadettes who are concerned about the environment can choose a volunteer project that helps their community act locally to solve global environmental concerns. Planning, organizing and scheduling an annual park, beach or highway cleanup is a simple project with a big impact. A more involved project would involve working with community and government leaders to implement a community recycling program or to install recycling receptacles in local parks or schools.
2 Educational Project Ideas
Cadettes with a passion for education can choose a project that benefits local children or schools. They may choose a project that directly works with children, such as setting up and staffing a story hour at a local library or organizing a tutoring program for elementary school children. Or they can support education by organizing a book drive and book distribution program for children or running a fundraiser for a local school.
3 Health Issues Project Ideas
Cadettes who are concerned about health issues ranging from availability of health care to disease awareness can choose a project that keeps the community healthier. They may work with a local hospital or clinic in its junior volunteer program (or help organize one if it does not already exist), raise money for a local hospital or disease research or organize an awareness event complete with educational materials and a fundraising component like a 5K run or walk.