How to Make Your Own Printed Church Member Directory
29 SEP 2017

Create and print a church member directory to enable members of the church to have a quick and easy way to find contact information for other church members. A directory can also be a great way to help new members find prayer partners or church officials when a need arises when the directory is made available in new member packets. The directory can be compiled and printed from a computer, reducing the cost for the church as well.
1 Planning The Directory
2 To be passed out to each member
Type information collection sheets to be passed out to each member. Include information such as mailing address, email address, home phone, cell phone, committees that the member is on and any other information you feel is important to include.
3 Print the sheets
Print the sheets and pass them out with a deadline for them to be returned by the members.
4 Set a date
Set a date for photos to be taken and post it in the church bulletin, or contact members to let them know, and arrange a time for their sitting.
5 Take all the photos
Take all the photos. Keep a list of the member and which number photo they were for easier labeling of the printed or digital photos.
6 Develop the film
Develop the film and scan the photos onto the computer, or purchase the photos on disk from the developer. If the photos were digital, upload them to the computer.
7 Assembling the Directory
8 Plan the layout
Plan the layout for the directory using the word processing program on the computer. A cover page, table of contents, committee pages, business directory, or index can be included if desired.
9 Collect the member information sheets
Collect the member information sheets and notate the file name for the member's photo on the sheet.
10 Sort them in the order
Sort them in the order they will be included in the directory. This can be alphabetical, by position in the church or both.
Type the information into the word processing program. Run spell-check. Once completed, load paper into the printer and print the directory. Assemble the directories.
Bind each directory. This can be done with staples or by using a hole punch and inserting the pages into a binder.