How to Honor Elderly Women in the Church
29 SEP 2017

Church congregations are made up of a number of different types of people from young children, middle-aged folks and the elderly. Elderly women in the church are one demographic that can make up a major part of a congregation. If they have played a role in serving the congregation, the church can honor them for their service and devotion. If you want to honor elderly women in your church, follow a few tips and ideas.
Set a time and place to host a luncheon or similar gathering to honor the elderly women in your church. You can do a brunch following a Sunday service or have a potluck dinner on an evening that would work for a majority of the members of your church.
Make a list of the women in your church you plan to honor. Set an age bracket for the women to be honored, such as 60 years or older. Contact the elderly women on yor list and confirm who can attend. Be flexible. If need be, make changes to the time and place.
Get the word out to your church about the upcoming honors. If you have a church newsletter, include the event in it, or mention it at your next church meeting. Post a sheet in the church somewhere where members can sign up to attend. You will need this in order to get a good estimate of participation.
Order food for the event according to the number of church members who will attend. Shop around to different local catering companies and find an affordable option, or enlist members of the church to bring in potluck dishes.
Plan activities. For example, you could have a free-speak time where members can stand and say something positive about one or all of the elderly women being honored. Allow time for the elderly women to respond.
Make a display for the event. This could include a photo of each elderly woman being honored, or pictures of them with other member of the congregation. Ask members to bring in personal photos. Rally younger members of the church to make a display to honor the elderly women, or if you have the funding, order a plaque you can hang where all can see.
Mention each elderly woman during the service. Depending on your preference, you can have members say a collective prayer for the women or read a Bible passage that pertains to the elderly and their service to the church.
Host the event at the date and time you’ve allotted. Arrive a couple of hours early to set up decorations, food, tables, and whatever else you need. Enlist other church members to help.