How to Do a Church Dedication Program
29 SEP 2017

Often after many years of hosting building-fund projects, churches are finally able to celebrate the purchase or building of their new church facility. Traditionally, churches plan a dedication service that includes the publishing of a printed program. The church will reflect on its history, which may include a timeline of events leading up to the special day. Announcements and invitations may be sent to the surrounding community to come to attend the dedication, including government officials. Preparing a program is a way to document and preserve this special occasion for years to come.
1 Get the content for your announcement and program
Get the content for your announcement and program. Consult and meet with members of your church's dedication planning committee or your pastor. Note the date and time for the dedication service. Prepare an outline for the program -- discuss these details with the committee or pastor. Determine with them what the order of service will be, possibly including prayers of dedication, scripture readings, welcome and introductions, music, keynote and other speakers.
2 Collect any photographs and pictures
Collect any photographs and pictures that are to be used in the program. Use a picture of the pastor and the pastor's spouse and a picture of the new church building being dedicated. Scan and upload these pictures so that you can attach them to the program fiIe that you will be submitting to the printers. Return all originals right away so that they do not get misplaced.
3 Finalize the program by meeting with the planning committee
Finalize the program by meeting with the planning committee. Verify the attendance of all speakers and any government officials. Make sure each department or ministry area is represented to provide details about their status, i.e. music, communications, parking, security, hospitality, decorations, ushers, custodial.
4 Obtain copies of any advertising information
Obtain copies of any advertising information, if you are getting ads. Receive dedication pages from members who made special donations who want to send greetings and congratulations from their individual families.
5 Type
Type up a draft copy of the program. Submit the draft for the pastor's approval. Send or upload the approved copy to the printer who will publish the final program. With everything in place, enjoy the celebration!