How to Write a Field Trip Proposal
25 JUN 2018

Field trips provide an excellent opportunity for students to get out of the classroom and learn about the world firsthand. Though many field trips are often initiated by school administrators, educators and even students can propose plans for possible field trips. Writing a field trip proposal requires you to identify the school administrators' crucial concerns when planning a field trip: educational purpose, safety and cost.
1 Research Your Topic
Start your proposal with a detailed and thoroughly researched background of the educational topic on which your field trip will focus. Include statements connecting your educational topic to state or school educational standards as well as statements explaining why hands-on, first-person experience is the best way to learn about the topic. For example, if you are proposing a field trip to a local pond to collect bug samples, you might indicate that such a field trip would mimic the procedures real entomologists use in the field.
2 Propose Objectives
Outline your proposed field trip's educational objectives. Align your objectives with the state or school educational standards used to construct unit and lesson plans for the discipline in which your proposed field trip best fits. For example, a proposed field trip to a newspaper office might align with standards for composition, editing, proofreading and design.
3 Detail Your Outings
Describe the field trip details. Include the names of any organizations or individuals with whom students might interact as well as the names of businesses or organizations the group might patronize. Remember to be precise when describing how your proposed outings will meet student needs. For example, if the plan is for students to stop for lunch, provide a list of two or three restaurants that will fit the timeframe allotted for lunch, be able to accommodate large groups and fit the trip's budget.
4 Organize Your Schedule
Describe the field trip's schedule. Include the departure and arrival times for each destination as well as the times certain activities—such as planned presentations, meals and breaks—might take place.
5 Determine the Resources You Need
List resources required to take your proposed field trip. In addition to activity costs, include a list of personnel that will chaperone or otherwise work with the trip. Include transportation requirements like how many vans your group will need. Also indicate the items students participating in the field trip will need to bring. Such items might include special clothing or accessories, writing implements or pocket money.
6 Summarize Your Needs
Recap the positive features of your proposed field trip. Reiterate the objectives and emphasize ways that your group can accomplish the trip for maximum education and enjoyment for everyone involved.