Homecoming Poster Ideas

As your school’s homecoming football game and dance approach, welcome alumni back to campus and keep students informed about homecoming events with attention-grabbing posters. Consult school administrators about rules that regulate what images and text you can include on the posters before hanging the signs in the gymnasium, in classrooms and on the campus buildings.
1 Traditions
Help freshmen understand the assorted homecoming traditions that they’ll be experiencing in the week leading up to the homecoming football game and dance. If your campus organizes spirit week events, for example, provide a list of the various dress-up days, class competitions or pep assemblies scheduled for each day. Also provide a list of any items the students should bring to the football game, such as cowbells or kazoos to make noise after a touchdown.
2 Homecoming King and Queen Candidates
Showcase the candidates for the homecoming queen and court candidates with posters to help the students get to know the guys and girls better. Include each candidate’s class photo or an assortment of candid images taken around campus. List each student's extracurricular activities and trivia--such as her favorite subjects, color, band, sport and food.
3 Remember When
Create posters that honor the alumni that will be coming back to campus for homecoming week. Affix each person’s high school graduation photo along with current images. Include teacher testimonials, copies of newspaper clippings or pictures of trophies to document the contribution each alumnus made to the school.
4 Spirited Slogans
Increase the campus excitement for the upcoming homecoming football game with posters that feature your school’s name, images of the school mascot and simple cheers or slogans that the students should learn to chant at the game. Use temporary adhesive to tack spirit ribbons printed with the school’s name all the way around the poster and invite the students to take one to wear to the game.
5 Player Spotlight
Design a series of homecoming posters showcasing the starting line-up for the homecoming football game. In addition to pictures of the players in uniform and around campus, include a brief interview at the bottom of each poster detailing his favorite classes, books, television shows, songs and memorable football game moments. Create similar posters for the team coach and the assistants who help guide the team.
6 Dance Details
Make posters that provide information about the homecoming dance, such as the event’s theme, location and ticket prices. Embellish the poster with decorative paper, stickers or hand-drawn designs that support the dance theme. Include pictures of the event’s venue and written suggestions on neighboring restaurants where the students might want to dine before the dance.