How to Design Formal Unveiling Invitations
29 SEP 2017

Unveiling ceremonies are a part of Jewish tradition in mourning the death of a loved one. About one year after the death, people gather at the cemetery to witness the formal unveiling of the gravestone, hold a service and mourn the deceased. If you are planning a formal unveiling ceremony, you will need to mail out invitations to alert family members and friends of the event. Consider designing your own unveiling invitations to add a personal touch.
Write “Formal Unveiling Ceremony” with a black fine tip marker followed by the deceased family member’s name in script on the top of blank invitations or sheets of cardstock. Include the birth and death dates of the deceased beneath his name.
Bring a high-quality photograph of the loved one to a printing or office supply store. Have the picture scanned, scaled down and printed in enough copies for every formal unveiling invitation. Attach the photograph to the center of each invitation beneath the deceased person’s name.
Use the space on the bottom half of the invitation to print the unveiling ceremony’s date, time, cemetery name and RSVP contact information neatly with a fine tip marker.
Include directions to the cemetery on the bottom of the unveiling invitations to make travel easier for family members and friends. In his book “The Jewish Way in Death and Mourning,” Maurice Lamm also recommends including detailed directions to the gravestone in formal unveiling invitations.
Decorate the unveiling invitations using stickers with a religious theme, such as flowers or the Star of David, purchased from the scrapbooking aisle of a craft store. Glue strips of thin black or white ribbon to the outer edges of each invitation to make an elegant border.