Graduating High School Senior Bulletin Board Ideas

Bulletin boards can motivate, teach new concepts, stimulate creative thinking and inspire students in dozens of ways. Incorporate various types of graduating high school senior bulletin board ideas into classroom decor to help students reach their goals during the year and leading up to graduation day. Invite students to help assemble bulletin boards that make their last days of high school more memorable.
1 Famous Quotation
At the beginning of the course, post this Fyodor Dostoevsky quotation on the bulletin board: "You are told a lot about your education, but some beautiful, sacred memory, preserved since childhood, is perhaps the best education of all." Have students write about one specific childhood memory they have in response to this quote, and illustrate it with a drawing or collage of magazine photographs. Let students volunteer to display their illustrations and accompanying journal excerpts on the board. Ask that, by the final month of the course, they select another such moment to represent their senior year of high school for a corresponding bulletin board.
2 Remember This
Designate one bulletin board in the room for students to turn into a class memory book. Add the title, "Remember This." Tell students to select moments important to them throughout the class and to add photos, captions, newspaper clippings and other memorabilia that capture this school year. Invite students to share personal accomplishments like college acceptances, scholarships, prom photos and appropriate photos of them engaging in assorted school-related activities. Throughout the course, devote a few minutes and underscore the significance of small moments adding up to large events. Allow students to take home their mementos at graduation time.
3 Graduation Caps
Staple paper in one of your school colors to a bulletin board as a background. Cut out graduation caps -- without the tassles -- in another school color. Have each senior paste a photo of himself to the cap and write a quotation he finds meaningful. Invite students to share the relevance of their selections with the rest of the class before adding their caps to the board. At a later time, attach a tassel, graduation year and a diploma to recognize achievements throughout the course. These milestones might include a senior research paper, speech, attendance goal or special project.
4 Passports
Add the title, "Passport to the Future," to a senior bulletin board. Prepare passport covers for each student. Write the name of the school, city and graduation date on the front. Staple pages inside each passport where students can add sheets bearing their names, books they have read, completed projects and goals they have reached. Make this an interactive bulletin board where students can add individual pages to their passports. Allow them to include trips they take, college visits, volunteer activities and any other events they believe will help them achieve their future goals.