Free Interactive Sunday School Activities & Lessons
29 SEP 2017

Whether its Noah’s Ark or the Ten Commandments, creating a fun and interactive Sunday school activity can be challenging for a new teacher. When creating your lesson, keep in mind age-appropriateness and especially the attention span of that particular age group. For example, most kindergartners are not going to sit for more than five minutes for a story, but a high school class can listen to an hourlong lesson. There are plenty of websites with creative, age-appropriate Sunday school lessons.
1 Bible Kids Fun Zone
The Bible Kids Fun Zone site is a compilation of lessons for kids from toddler age through kindergarten. Themes include Father’s Day, Easter, Christmas and thankfulness. Each lesson includes multiple crafts, recipes and coloring pages along with verses particular to the lesson. This site has both theme- and scripture-based lessons, including Noah's Ark, the Good Samaritan and "God's Army." It even has full sample lessons to guide a beginner through the process of creating an activity and lesson.
2 Preschool Sunday School Central
If you have a room full of active preschoolers, the website could be for you. Listed as one of the top 1,000 Christian sites by the Ultimate Christian Directory, this site includes full curriculum sets, posters, skit ideas, handwriting sheets and color pages. The site also provides exegetical content, including a free preschool Bible timeline and a Books of the Bible poster. If you are not the most artsy person, it has clip art available. It guides teachers through setting up a puppet ministry, including links to other sites that can guide teachers through creating Sunday school puppets.
3 Apple Sauce Kids
Apple Sauce Kids has lessons for kids from grade school through high school. It includes photo images for visual aids and some creative crafts for the younger crowd. For high school and middle-school students, the website offers theme-based lessons, including a “Tribulation Survival Kit,” angels and demons. According to its statement of faith, the site is of an evangelical affiliation, so its curriculum may not parallel other denominations such as Roman Catholic or Episcopalian.
4 Big Idea Fun
Created by the makers of VeggieTales and 3-2-1 Penguins, this site is packed with great discussions and coloring sheets. Originally created to teach kids Bible lessons through videos, VeggieTales now features games, family discussions and crafts. A nondenominational site that focuses on creating "negative truths," or moral lessons, for kids, its creative stories include a western version of the story of Joseph and the story of Ruth told with knights and ladies. It even offers original stories that are not in any of its videos for Sunday school teachers to use.