Children's Mustard Seed Faith Activities
29 SEP 2017

In the Bible, Jesus talks about faith the size of a mustard seed moving mountains in Matthew 17:20. Help children understand this concept by showing them a mustard seed and extending the story into activities to reinforce their learning. Take into account the age and ability level of the children to help you select the best mustard seed faith activities for your group.
1 Coloring Pages
Look for coloring pages on the Internet for the mustard seed story or create your own coloring pages in a computer drawing or painting program. Type the verse Matthew 17:20 at the bottom of the page and put an outline of a mustard seed on one part of the page and an outline of a mountain on the other half of the page. Print this image out and copy it for the children you will teach the lesson and let them color it with crayons or markers.
2 Mustard Seed Necklace
Make individual mustard seed necklaces for the children to always have a reminder about how small faith can move mountains. Get quarter-sized wooden craft disks and use an awl to punch a hole in each. Tie a ribbon through the hole for a necklace and have the children glue a mustard seed to the disk and decorate the wooden disk with markers.
3 Bible Bookmark
Purchase mustard seeds from the spice aisle and print out a copy of the Bible verse Matthew 17:20 about the mustard seed. The children cut out the verse and glue it to a strip of heavy cardstock and they glue a mustard seed to the other side of the bookmark. They can use this bookmark to mark their place in their Bibles as they read.
4 Plant a Seed
Show how a small seed becomes a large plant by getting flower seeds from the garden store and planting them in a pot or empty cardboard milk cartons full of dirt. Opt for this illustration only for teaching children at a class that meets regularly over the course of several weeks or months.