How to Fix Awkward Moments With Girls

Use a bit of humor to lighten the mood during an awkward moment with a girl.
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The movie is just getting started, you reach in to grab a mouthful of popcorn and -- splash -- spill your drink all over your date's lap. She quickly says not to worry, that the stain will come out and it isn't a big deal, but you feel awful. Not all awkward moments with girls are this bad, but most will leave you wondering how to fix the situation.

1 Communication Skills

If the awkward moment isn't a result of your clumsiness but rather a slip of the tongue, honest communication is best. For example, if you told your girlfriend that you loved her but later realize it was much too early to make the declaration -- come clean. Say, "I know that earlier I told you that I love you, but I got carried away." Being up front allows both of you to openly share how you are feeling -- a quality that good relationships are built upon, according to the Teen's Health article, "Love and Romance."

2 Use Humor

Humor can cut through an anxious moment or awkward silence. For example, if you step on a girl's foot during a slow dance at a party, laugh and say, "I bet you didn't know that I have two left feet." Feeling comfortable enough to poke fun at yourself and not take things seriously shows the girl that you are a confident person. Being able to laugh at the situation will also make her feel more at ease.

3 Be Curious

If you find yourself stuck in an awkward silence with a girl -- practice a bit of curiosity. It's hard to be anxious and curious at the same time, so if you develop a genuine interest in her, your feelings of nervousness should disappear. Before a date, think of three conversation topics or questions that you can bring up during the evening. Read the news, follow celebrity gossip and find out what you can about her ahead of time.

4 Your Perspective

When it comes to those extremely awkward situations -- such as spilling your drink on her lap -- it's best to put things into perspective, says psychology professor Susan Krauss Whitbourne, in the Psychology Today article, "A Five Step Guide for Preventing Those Oops Moments." Realize that everyone makes mistakes and nobody is perfect. As bad as it may seem at the time, even the most embarrassing moments will eventually fade from your memory -- and hers.

Arlin Cuncic has been writing about mental health since 2007, specializing in social anxiety disorder and depression topics. She served as the managing editor of the "Journal of Attention Disorders" and has worked in a variety of research settings. Cuncic holds an M.A. in clinical psychology.
