Distance Learning Courses in the Philippines

A handful of colleges and universities in the Philippines offer distance education for those who prefer to study in the comfort of their homes and workplaces. Unlike in the traditional learning experience where students and teachers must be physically present in every class, distance learning courses find more opportunities for students to learn at their own pace and time.
Philippine distance learning schools offer short-term courses and full academic degree programs duly recognized by the Philippine government, through accreditation with the Commission on Higher Education CHED.
1 Education Courses
There is a strong demand for education courses in most colleges and universities offering distance courses. This is beneficial to education professionals who want to pursue their master's and doctoral degrees while working. The University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) features the distance learning programs: Diploma in Science Teaching, Diploma in Mathematics Teaching, Diploma in Language Studies for Teachers, Diploma/Master in Social Studies Education and Ph.D. in Education. The Polytechnic University of the Philippines-Open University (PUP-OU) offers a Master in Educational Management program.
University of the Philippines Open University Los Banos, Laguna Philippines +63-49-536-6001 upou.org
Polytechnic University of the Philippines-Open University 2/F South Wing, Academic (Main) Building, Anonas St. Sta. Mesa, Manila Philippines +63-2-716-2644 pup.edu.ph
2 Health Science Courses
According to the Global Voices website, the most popular college degree in the Philippines today is nursing. Other health science courses are also in demand as more health care professionals get vast opportunities for health care work abroad. The UPOU offers the health science courses Master in Hospital Administration, Master in Public Health and Master of Arts in Nursing. The Open University of the Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila (PLM) offers the Bachelor of Science in Community Health Service, Master in Community Health Service, Master of Arts in Nursing and Bachelor of Science in Midwifery.
Open University of the Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila Gen. Luna cor. Muralla St. Intramuros Manila, Philippines +63-2-527-7941 plm.edu.ph
3 Liberal Arts and Communication Courses
Philippine private colleges and universities offer a number of liberal arts and communication courses through their distance learning programs. The Asian Institute for Distance Education (AIDE) offers the Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Bachelor of Arts major in English. The Ateneo de Manila University (AdMU) distance education program focuses on only one field, journalism. AdMU's Konrad Adenauer Asian Center for Journalism features the two-year courses Advanced Reporting and Writing, Media Ethics and Media Law.
Philippine state universities also offer a wide array of distance learning courses in the fields of liberal arts and communication. UPOU offers the programs Associate in Arts, Diploma in Research and Development Management, Diploma/Master in Environment and Natural Resources Management, Diploma/Master of Social Work, Master in Public Management and Master of Professional Studies in Development Communication. The liberal arts programs at the PUP-OU include Master in Public Administration, Master in Communication and Bachelor in Broadcast Communication. The Open University of PLM features the undergraduate programs Associate in Government Management and Bachelor of Public Administration and the post-graduate program Master of Arts in Government Management.
Ateneo de Manila University Konrad Adenauer Asian Center for Journalism Katipunan Avenue Loyola Heights Quezon City, Metro Manila Philippines +63-2-426.6001 admu.edu.ph
4 Business Courses
Working professionals who want to pursue higher education in the field of business administration, management and related fields take advantage of distance learning courses to earn their degrees. The Open University of PLM offers the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and Master of Arts in Business Administration. Business degree programs at the PUP-OU include Bachelor in Entrepreneurial Management, Post-Baccalaureate in Entrepreneurial Management and Master in Construction Management. The UPOU offers the certificate courses New Enterprise Planning and Personal Entrepreneurial Development.