Online Nursing Degrees in the Philippines
10 AUG 2018

Not everyone who wants to get into the field of nursing has the time, money or academic background for a traditional education. The good news is they don’t have to. Earning a degree online has become one of the most popular education alternatives in countries all over the world, and the Philippines is no exception. Due to the improving reputation of online learning and the many advantages it offers to perspective students, more and more people are taking advantage of this convenient and effective option.
1 Where to Find an Online Nursing Program in the Philippines
A trending approach to seeking a remote nursing education is to enroll in the University of Philippines Open University because of a program called DEMAND. The Distance Education Master of Arts in Nursing Degree is gaining popularity because it offers a quality education that is available, accessible and affordable to professional nurses in the Philippines as well as abroad.
Worried about whether or not the online nursing schools in the Philippines are reputable? According to the Commission on Higher Education, the UP OpenU has gained the distinction of being the National Center of Excellence in Open Learning and Distance Education. This distinction not only recognizes the program achievements in this field but also its vital role in pushing the frontiers of learning in service to the Filipino nation.
2 Long Distance Learning in the Philippines
You can get a two-year nursing degree in the Philippines. You can also earn your Master of Arts in Nursing through the DEMAND program in just two years. However, the majority of graduates take closer to three years because of time restraints due to jobs or other obligations. Students with busy lives and unpredictable schedules pursue this program because it offers the flexibility a more traditional education cannot provide.
The DEMAND program can help you meet whatever your goals are in the nursing field, whether it be a graduate degree, masters, post-baccalaureate or doctoral. The faculty will help you create the most suitable time line for your scheduling needs and make earning a Philippine nursing degree possible.
3 How Do Teachers and Students Interact?
There aren't any classrooms or lecture halls when it comes to online nursing and the Philippines. UPOU has course sites called, “virtual classrooms.” This allows for students to log in and study any course, no matter where they are located in the world. All the interaction between teacher and student happens via the internet. This type of online nursing program in the Philippines makes for an education without borders.
UPOU students are still expected to show up for class, perform learning activities and complete course requirements. The good news is they can do it in a tent on the Serengeti or in their pajamas if they want. Everything a student needs can be found on their website from academic interactions, to online quizzes, chats and submission of homework. The materials for the course also come from the internet in the form of online articles and videos and print modules.
The headquarters of the U.P. Open University is located in scenic Los Banos, Laguna, which looks out on the majestic Mount Makiling. Although the remote education may meet all your needs for physical freedom, there is certainly incentive to take a trip to the Philippines and visit your future alma mater.