How to Clean the Upload Center and Office Document Cache

Clean documents from the Office document cache in the Upload Center Settings menu.
... Christopher Robbins/Digital Vision/Getty Images

The Microsoft Office suite’s document cache settings can be managed in the Office Upload Center. From the Upload Center Settings menu, you can delete all cache files and configure how Office handles cached files in the future. For example, you can configure the document cache settings to “age out” and automatically delete old cached documents from local storage. Original documents are stored in the cloud and unaffected by the removal of items from the local document cache. The cache cleaning process differs a bit for Office RT.

1 Office Desktop

2 Click the corresponding link

Type “Microsoft Office Tools” in the Charms bar Search field, then click the corresponding link when it appears on the desktop.

3 Click the Microsoft Upload Center option

Click the “Microsoft Upload Center” option to launch the Upload Center Settings dialog box.

4 Click Delete Cached Files

Click “Delete Cached Files” in the Upload Center Settings dialog box. All files are removed from the cache.

5 To Keep Files

Edit the “Days to Keep Files in the Office Document Cache” to automatically delete documents older than the number of days you specify. You can also click “Delete Files from Office Document Cache When They Are Closed” to automatically delete files once they are uploaded to cloud storage.

6 Office RT

7 Launch the Office 2013

Launch the Office 2013 Upload Center on the RT device.

8 Tap the drop-down arrow next

Tap the drop-down arrow next to the “Refresh” option, then tap “All Cached Files.” A list of all cached files is displayed.

9 Delete Cached Files

Tap “Delete Cached Files” to remove all files from the cache folder. You can also click a cached file to open the file in the corresponding Office app.

  • Documents do not automatically cache with Office RT. Only documents that are opened on the device with an Office app will be cached.
  • Information provided in this article applies to Microsoft Office 2013. Instructions may vary slightly or significantly for other versions of the software.
  • Another way to access the Upload Center is by clicking the “Upload Center” notification icon, then clicking “Open Upload Center.”
  • Note that documents in the Office RT cache are stored for 15 days by default. You can increase the number of days cached documents are stored by changing the settings in the Upload Center Settings dialog box.

Randall Blackburn has worked for several Fortune 1000 companies as a technical writer over the past seven years. He has produced a wide variety of technical documentation, including detailed programming specifications and research papers. Randall has also acquired several years' experience writing web content. Randall lives and works in Austin, TX.
