Where Does Chrome Keep Its Cache in Ubuntu?

As you visit websites with your Chrome browser, information is stored or cached in special directories on your Ubuntu PC. The data saved can include HTML code, scripts, CSS files, images and multimedia files. Chrome maintains an additional cache of files in another location, which it uses whenever you access an HTML5 Web application.
1 Location of Browser Cache
Chrome's cached website data is stored in your Home directory, but is hidden from sight within the .cache/google-chrome/ Default folder. This folder also contains another cache where multimedia files are temporarily stored. You can explore both cache locations using Ubuntu's Files application. Launch Files and then press "Ctl-H" to make all hidden folders visible. Click "Home | .cache | google-chrome | Default | Cache” to view the website data cache. The full path for the browser cache is:
Multimedia files are kept in in the following folder:
/home/$USER/.cache/google-chrome/Default/Media Cache
The term "$USER" is a system variable that contains your user name. For example, if your user name is "linuxmaven," the location of the cache is:
2 Chrome's Application Cache
When you use a Web app like Google Drive, Gmail, or YouTube, Chrome saves some of the app's data and JavasScript code to your hard disk. The data in this cache helps speed up the function of the HTML5 Web apps you use or helps enable them to run off-line. Chrome's HTML5 application cache data is kept in the hidden .config folder. The full path to the application cache is:
/home/$USER/.config/google-chrome/Default/Application Cache/Cache