Christian Superlative Award Ideas

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Holding an award ceremony at your next church event can incite laughter and applause from the audience, as well give some well-deserved recognition to select church members. Hand out certificates or trophies for winners to take home as keepsakes. With a little creativity, your superlative awards might become a tradition for years to come.

1 Biggest Bible Brain

Give out an award to the church member who knows the Bible best overall. To prove his knowledge, have him cite complete passages within random challenges and ask him to quote his favorite passage, which you can quote on the award.

2 Best Church Attendance

Church attendance is a significant issue with most religions, so reward the person who has faithfully attended services at your church. This could be solely for main services or for the person who has attended the most overall services, which might include Sunday school, musical rehearsals and prayer meetings. Christian churches tend to have numerous service types throughout the week, so the choices is yours in terms of rewarding attendance.

3 Most Likely to Go Into Ministry

This could be an award for a child or teen who shows the most promise in terms of a career in the ministry. The "Most Likely to Go Into Ministry" award could also be attached to a scholarship to seminary school, if the church has funds to do so. This person might demonstrate an innate knowledge of the Bible or have a talent for ministering to unsaved souls.

4 Enthusiastic Evangelist Award

Create an award for your most enthusiastic evangelist. This could be the person who celebrates the most during church services or is most enthusiastic when reaching out to save souls during missionary events. This person should not only be knowledgeable about the mission of the church and the religion overall, but also be approachable and friendly to those whose souls have not been saved.

Jamar Belcher has been writing since 2008, with an extensive background in lawn care, plumbing, sports and culinary arts. His writing has appeared in "Break Magazine." Belcher attended Keiser University.
