How to Block a Website in Google Chrome

Blocking popular sites typically deters unauthorized computer use.
... Jupiterimages/ Images

While the basic Chrome browser sports a simple interface and minimal features, a variety of add-ons will make it more efficient and better customized for your needs. A site blocker, for example, gives you control over the websites that are permitted for viewing and restricts the ones you don't want displayed. This tool is especially effective when you're trying to concentrate on homework, for example, or as a countermeasure against unauthorized use of your computer.

1 Available App Add-Ons

The Chrome Web Store features a handful of site blocking apps and extensions that help you restrict access to specific sites. Among these options are Website Blocker, Block Site and StayFocused (links in Resources), all of which give you varying control over the times, days and sites to be blocked as well as the authentication passwords that remove these restrictions. Once configured, these apps will display a custom error message any time someone attempts to visit a blocked site under the conditions you've established.

2 Chrome Web Store Installations

Navigate your browser to the Chrome Web Store (see Resources) and select a site blocking app. Click the "Add to Chrome" button -- if it requires purchase, it will read "Buy for [Price]" instead -- to begin installing. To launch the app when installation is complete, either open a new browser tab and click the "Apps" button at the top left or simply type the app's name in the address bar. Follow the onscreen prompts to enable website restrictions.

Based in Tampa, Fla., Danielle Fernandez been writing, editing and illustrating all things technology, lifestyle and education since 1999. Her work has appeared in the Tampa Tribune, Working Mother magazine, and a variety of technical publications, including BICSI's "Telecommunications Distribution Methods Manual." Fernandez holds a bachelor's degree in English from the University of South Florida.
