How to Write a Letter on an iPad & Print It

You can write a letter on and print it from your iPad or iPad Mini if you have two important components: a word-processing program or text editor installed on your iPad and an iOS driver for your model of printer installed on the device. IOS drivers are not available for all printers, but most newer wireless printers offer printing apps for iOS devices.
1 Word-processing App
You can find a variety of word-processing apps, both free and paid, from the iTunes App Store. For example, you can download and install Apple’s iWork Pages or IA Writer, both of which are available for a small fee. You can also install the free QuickOffice suite, which includes a word processing component. Once you have installed the app, launch the word processor, compose your letter and save it on your device.
2 Printing App
Search the iTunes or App Store for a driver app for your make and model of printer. For example, to install drivers for an Epson Artisan 800 printer, search the store for “Epson Artisan 800.” The search results will return the Epson iPrint app. If an app is available for your printer, download and install the app to the iPad. Set up the printer in the app and then print a test page. After you print a successful test page, send the letter you composed to the printer.