Why Won't My SMS Be Delivered in Skype?

You can text to virtually any cell phone using Skype.
... Creatas Images/Creatas/Getty Images

Skype brings together a number of features into a single system. In addition to communicating via the traditional phone network, Skype can also send SMS text messages to any compatible cell phone. Barriers to this service stem from limitation of your recipient's cell service and your own Skype account.

1 Send a Message

You can send a message from one Skype user to another using the regular messaging function within the Skype service, but this isn't SMS. The SMS function in Skype is not free; in order to send an SMS, you need to purchase Skype credit. Furthermore, your recipient must be a valid cell phone with SMS capabilities. SkypeIn numbers and Skype contacts cannot receive SMS messages. If you have purchased Skype credit, but you're still having trouble sending SMS, try restarting your Skype app, logging out and back in to Skype, and rebooting the phone, tablet or computer you're using Skype on.

2 Receive a Message

There are many intricacies to getting an SMS all the way to a cell phone. If you know your recipient has a valid SMS-capable phone, and that your account has sufficient credit, it’s possible the cell carrier is rejecting the text for delivery. This happens for a number of reasons, particularly if your recipient blocks text from restricted or hidden senders.

Jacob Andrew previously worked as an A+ and CCNA-certified technology specialist. After receiving his BA in journalism from the University of Wisconsin, Madison in 2012, he turned his focus towards writing about travel, politics and current technology.
