How to Close Out My Email on an iPad

The iPad gives you the ability to administer your iCloud account as well as other third-party email services, such as Yahoo and Gmail, in the Mail app, but you can close them out when you want. Depending on your needs, you can temporarily disable email service or permanently delete the account so it no longer shows up on your iPad. This option helps you maintain privacy as well as gives you a break from email when you want.
1 Temporarily Close Email
2 Tap Settings
Tap "Settings" on the home screen, and then tap the "Mail, Contacts, Calendars" option. Tap the desired email account to close temporarily.
3 Slide the Mail menu
Slide the "Mail" menu to Off, which disables your email account so that it no longer displays in the Mail app or syncs information.
4 Tap the Done button
Tap the "Done" button to save the settings.
5 Permanently Close Email
6 Tap Settings
Tap "Settings," "Mail, Contacts, Calendars" and then tap your email account.
7 Tap the Delete Account button Delete Account to permanently remove email as well as other features
Tap the "Delete Account" button to permanently remove email as well as other features, such as contacts and reminders, that are associated with the account.
8 Tap the Delete button
Tap the "Delete" button to confirm your request.
- Information in this article applies to iPad 4 with iOS 6. It may vary slightly or significantly with other products or versions.
- If you want to permanently close your iCloud account, which consists of your email as well as other features like Contacts and Calendars, tap "Settings," "iCloud" and then tap the "Delete Account" button.