What Type of Clothing to Wear in the Heat & Humidity

Even beyond leaving you fatigued and your hair frizzy, heat and humidity can have unpleasant side effects. Despite deceptively pleasant temperatures, high levels of humidity can still make you feel like it's the hottest, muggiest day of the year. This never bodes well for your clothes, but there are plenty of ways to avoid looking like a sweaty summer victim.
1 Heat and Humidity-Hindering Clothing
The cardinal rule of dressing in hot, humid weather is finding light fabrics that won't cling to you, such as cotton or linen. If you're going to a dressier outdoor event, try garments rendered in preppy summer staple seersucker, which is not only a classic fabric but also ultra-breathable. The traditional practice of avoiding dark-hued duds also applies: they tend to absorb more heat, so opt for light-reflecting shades such as pastels, whites or yellows. To minimize the chances of sporting embarrassing sweat stains, wear sleeveless shirts when possible. If you're exercising outdoors, choose sweat-wicking shirts and lightweight mesh shorts.