How to Write a Class President Speech
23 JUL 2018

If you are running for class president, you will need to write a speech to deliver to the student body. You will want your speech to be unique and different to set you apart from the other candidates. How do you figure out what to say in a class president speech? How should you organize it? How long should it be? Some of these questions will be answered by your principal or the student council sponsor, but general speech writing tips also apply to writing a campaign speech. Reviewing class officer speech examples online can also provide you with ideas for writing and organizing a standard campaign speech.
1 Thank Your Listeners
Start with a thank you to those present. You will want to thank the student body, the principal, the faculty, your fellow candidates and any other guests who may be present before you begin your actual speech. Express your appreciation for the opportunity to share your views and ideas for their consideration.
2 Use an Attention Grabber
Tell a joke or story or present a quote to introduce your speech. You want to catch people's attention and show that your speech is not going to just be another boring, regular speech. Try to pick a story or quote that captures the spirit of your campaign.
3 Suggest Possible School Improvements
Introduce problems that you know are on the minds of the student body. What are the changes that your fellow classmates want to see in your school? The body of your class president speech should focus on these issues. For example, do students want juice machines available in between classes? Are students interested in organizing an after-school intramural league? The issues on which the students are focused should be addressed in your class president promises.
4 Present Possible Solutions
Offer solutions to the problems. Be careful -- you do not want to make a bunch of empty class president promises. For example, if students want 15 minutes between classes, but teachers and parents don't want to extend the school day, can you really do this? No. If problems exist that you have no answer or solution for, you may not want to list them in your speech. You could also make a statement indicating you are aware of these special problems, and you will brainstorm solutions or work toward a compromise with involved parties; however, you can't promise results at this time. It is better to be honest than to promise things you can't fulfill.
5 Mention Impressive Accomplishment
State your activities throughout the speech. You do not want to bore students with a long list of all your accomplishments and activities, but you do want to work them into your speech. For example, if you have played varsity basketball for three years, you could say something like, "Since I have played basketball during high school, I know how to work as a team. I want to put a team of students together to work on a recycling program in our school cafeteria." Just make sure to be yourself and be honest during your class president speech to show that you are genuine and sincere. Don't be shy in asking for their vote.
- Be sure not to offend anyone with your comments.