How to Get Your Mother Off the Phone

Tell your mom you have to get back to schoolwork.
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Your phone is ringing and it is your mom -- again. You want to answer, but you know she can be a chatterbox, and you really do not want to be caught up in extended conversation with her. Out of respect, do not hang up on her or yell at her. Instead, use an effective strategy to politely end the conversation and get her off the phone.

1 I'm Running Late

Remind your mother that you need to get off the phone because you're running late for other plans. Talking about a time concern is a successful way to discontinue a conversation, according to psychologist Linda Sapadin in her Psych Central article "8 Ways to Interrupt an Incessant Talker." Perhaps you have to get to baseball practice: You could say, "Mom, I have to get off now or I'll be late for practice." Maybe you have to get to your job: "I only have two more minutes to talk before heading into work."

2 It's an Emergency

Let your mother know you have to get off the phone as soon as possible to tend to a slight emergency. Use the urgency of having to go to the restroom when all else fails, Sapadin suggests. Alternatively, tell her something is cooking. "I smell my noodles burning. I really have to get off." Or mention that you have to get back to studying.

3 Let's Talk Face to Face

Tell your mother that what she is saying would be better discussed in person than on the phone. Making a firm and final statement can end an otherwise never-ending conversation, says Sapadin. Perhaps she is going on about how your room is never clean enough. Say, "I really need to go. I'll have to talk to you about it when I get home, please." Maybe she is confronting you about getting a phone call from your teacher. You could say, "I would rather explain my side of the story about what happened in person."

4 I'm Frustrated

Be honest with your mom. Just tell her she is talking too much and that you really need to go, according to registered psychologist Jennifer Newman in an article in "The Vancouver Sun." Tell her it causes you great frustration when she calls and rambles on. Perhaps you could say, "It upsets me when you keep talking and I have to do other things," or "I like talking to you, Mom, but I really can not stay on long."

Wannikki Taylor is a professional writer with a Bachelors of Arts in journalism from Temple University. She serves as a children's columnist and covers family entertainment for several print and online publications. She specializes in games, crafts and party planning ideas for kids and their families.
