How to Tell Your Mom You Lost Something Expensive

Telling your mother you lost something expensive is never a pleasant task. But it is better to tell her than to have her notice it is missing and ask you about it. If you wait for your mother to ask you, she may assume that you were trying to hide the loss, which is likely to make her more upset. It is best to handle the situation in a mature, straightforward manner. If you are honest and take responsibility for the loss without being asked, you will earn respect.
1 Think First
Plan what you want to say. Writing it down can be helpful, according to Teens Health. That way, you have everything clear in your mind and are less likely to forget anything important. Choose the right time to talk to her. Pick a time when she is not busy with half a dozen other things. If busy is her usual state, tell her that you need to talk to her and ask her when you two can sit down together.
2 Be Honest
When the time comes to sit down with your mother, tell the complete truth. It may be embarrassing. Admitting that you did something careless may get you in trouble, but do it anyway. For example, you left your glasses on a cafeteria tray -- instead of in their case and in your backpack -- then dumped the tray in the trash. Admit that you didn't put your glasses away properly. Tell your mother what you learned from the experience and what you will do differently in the future.
3 Express Respect
Part of what upsets parents is that they feel children don't appreciate how hard they work to give them things. Some parents may enjoy their job, but there are many who don't. They show up every day because they have children to support. Sometimes they work extra hours – even though they are tired – to buy something for their children. Let your mother know that you appreciate the time and labor she spends to give you things. Even if she becomes upset, be respectful and stay calm. Look at the issue from her perspective. Try to be understanding.
4 Take Responsibility
Tell her how you can replace either the item or the money spent on it. If you have a job, commit to giving her a certain amount every payday. If not, offer to repay her labor by volunteering to work around the house. Think about the household tasks she does on her days off work. Offer to lighten her load. If she decides that losing that expensive item merits disciplinary action, accept the consequences without complaint.