How to Apologize for Being Annoying

Maybe you were just overly excited, or perhaps you took a funny joke or act too far. Whatever the case, you realize, in hindsight, that you might've been annoying to a friend, classmate or family member. Learn how to acknowledge your behavior and apologize in a way that resolves the situation without making things worse.
Apologize in person. A face-to-face apology is much more sincere and meaningful than an impersonal text or email. If you can't physically be with the person to apologize, give them a call so that you can at least have a two way conversation about the issue and give the other person a chance to respond.
Arrange to have a chat with the person you've annoyed and save your apology for the time that works best for you both. The last thing you want to do after having just annoyed someone is pester them further about the issue, especially if they're preoccupied, in a rush, or busy with something else. Keep it short and sweet, like, "Hey do you have a minute to talk after school? Ok, great! I'll meet you at your locker."
Write your apology before you deliver it. It will help you think about what, exactly, you are sorry for, and why. Writing it down can also help you find the right words to say. When you're ready to deliver the apology, however, don't read it straight off the paper -- it can seem rehearsed, artificial or insincere.
Keep an even, calm temperament when you apologize. If you're loud, overly energetic, full of excuses or too apologetic, you might make matters worse.
Be direct. Tell the person you're apologizing to why you are apologizing. Say, for example, "I realize that I was a bit overbearing with my behavior earlier, and I want to apologize for that. I'm sorry I annoyed you. I was really excited and acted immaturely."
Allow the other person to respond. If your friend wants to talk about why your actions bothered her, listen to her. Tell her that you understand and promise her it won't happen again.
Do something nice for your friend as part of your apology. If, for example, you distracted her from studying for her test, offer to quiz her on the material to help her review for the exam as a way of making up for what you did.