Ideas for Teacher Incentives

Teachers work extremely hard each day and work well past school hours. It is important that the principal recognize and appreciate the teacher by providing incentives for a job well done. This recognition can be based on the teacher fulfilling school goals or for raising student achievement.
1 Merit Pay
Provide an incentive by paying the teacher for a job well done. This merit pay may be based on her students' academic accomplishments or goals that she has completed within the school. Increasing a teacher's pay, whether through a raise or bonus check, is well deserved for the many demands that teachers meet.
2 Vacation Days
Give the teacher an extra vacation day away from school where she can relax and pamper herself. Pay for a substitute teacher so the teacher will know that her class is well taken care of to reduce worry. Taking a break from classroom duties helps to reduce stress and gives the teacher a chance to recharge herself to meet more challenges that will come in the classroom.
3 Gift Card
Present the teacher with a gift card for a nice treat. It is important to know the teacher's taste to choose a store to buy the gift card. It can be a card for a nice restaurant, book store, movies or cups of her favorite coffee or tea. Place the card in a nice greeting card to present.
4 Gift Basket
Present the teacher with a gift basket filled with goodies the teacher likes to snack on. Prepare the basket yourself or order one already completed. Decide a theme for the basket like sweets, crackers and cheeses or coffee packets. Wrap the basket in decorative cellophane and place a bow on top.
5 Plants and Flowers
Plants and flowers are a beautiful way to say "Thank you" or to show appreciation. Give the teacher a potted plant of greenery that she can display in her classroom. This gift will last year after year. Another choice is to reward her with a fresh bouquet of seasonal flowers.